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The uppercased word Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe) refers to a multisignature Safe smart contract Wallet by . Safe{Wallet} is the most trusted name in on-chain asset ownership in Ethereum, and the foundation on which Fractal is based.
The initial Safe{Wallet] at the top of the sub-Safe hierarchy. This is the only Safe{Wallet} treasury that has no parent with executive powers unless it is added retroactively. Most users can start with their existing Safe{Wallet} Multisignature by searching for it by address in the Fractal nav bar (see 'Getting Started'). Saying that, you can also choose to start from scratch with a new Safe.
A Safe{Wallet} that has spawned a sub-Safe (see below). On creation of a sub-Safe, the parent-Safe can set the sub-Safe's governance method, reusable transaction templates, send it funds and set certain on-chain permissions and controls (e.g. freeze powers, execution timelock period, etc.).
A Safe{Wallet} that has been spawned by a parent-Safe Fractal. A sub-Safe has certain on-chain permissions and governance that the parent-Safe has customized on creation. However, these can be removed or altered via proposal at any time. Aside from this, the sub-Safe has autonomy to use its treasury to make on-chain asset decisions with its own distinct governance method. Any sub-Safe also has the autonomy to additionally become a parent-Safe itself by creating sub-Safes.