Add or Edit a Role

Add a Role

To add a role, select Edit Roles in the upper-right of the Role List. DAO members must have the ability to Create Proposals to edit one or more roles.

Next, select Add Role.

You can provide details for the Role including: Role Name: The title of the role. Role Description: A written summary of the duties, responsibilities, measures of success, and other information for the role. Member: the wallet address/ENS of the desired role holder.

Click Save.

Edit or Delete a Role

You can use this same flow to Edit or Delete a role. To edit or delete a role, select the role you wish to edit from the Roles list. Select the Edit icon on the upper-right.

You can update the Role Name, Description, and Member wallet address. To delete the role, click the ... icon and click Delete Role.

When you return to the Roles list, you will see any New, Removed, or Updated roles here. These statuses remain until after the changes are voted in via proposal.

Last updated


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